Casual and temporary roles offer you the freedom & flexibility to work when & where you want

Temporary and casual roles are a perfect career fit for many people including parents who like to take school holidays off, students wanting full-time work during breaks, and job seekers who only want to work odd days each week, need full-time work between roles, are saving for a holiday or renovation, or simply prefer flexibility.

While previous office experience and WP skills are required to temp, once you start working you may have the opportunity to learn new systems, build confidence, try different roles you may never knew existed, gain exposure to different companies and environments, and meet new people - all while making friends and referees along the way.

Many of our temps are often extended in their roles (which they enjoy!), are requested back and offered permanent positions. In fact, many local employers prefer to take someone on in a temporary-to-permanent arrangement, which provides a more in-depth and convenient way for them to decide whether they're a good fit for the role and for the candidate to decide whether they would like to continue as a permanent employee.

To become one of our valued temps, simply click the Register with us! tab at the top right of the screen. We will contact you shortly afterwards to arrange an interview, an online WP skills test and to explain the required paperwork including our employee contract, banking and superannuation information requirements, emergency contacts and WH&S protocols.


What to expect at your interview

  1. Your on-hire casual interview will take between an hour and an hour and a half
  2. We will discuss the WH&S and Employee Contract information which you will be required to read and sign
  3. You will be asked you to complete a Taxation form
  4. We will go through what to expect when you temp for us and how you should conduct yourself while on assignments
  5. We will ask you many questions including what types of roles and companies you would like to work for and how we can help you achieve these goals. We're also very happy to answer any questions you have for us!
  6. You will be provided with an On-Hire Casual Information Pack and a full understanding of how temping works

What to bring with you

  1. Your Tax File Number
  2. Your banking and superannuation details
  3. Qualifications and certificates
  4. Work visa
  5. Licences such as Driver's and Forklift licences
  6. Referee details
  7. A positive attitude and appropriate job interview-style attire 
  8. Enough time: please allow 1.5 hours for the interview process