So, you were in the final stages of the job application process when suddenly……. nothing. Welcome to Professional Ghosting Peeps! We hate it and we know you do too!
You’d jumped through a myriad of hoops, trolling through job ads, updating your resume, researched the organisation, put together a punchy cover letter, researched the organisation, endured multiple interviews, completed skills testing and been reference checked at a minimum. And then? It stalled, nothing, nada, zilch.
More and more people are finding they’re being left in the lurch-with a potential employer or recruiter simply dropping off the radar rather than giving you a yes or a no. Those who have navigated the online dating scene will be familiar with this concept when “someone who appears interested in you suddenly disappears from your life without any word of warning-becoming a “Ghost” to you”.
Why is it happening?
Some employers ghost to keep their options open as they could be pursuing someone else who’s skills are more closely aligned with the role but don’t want to lose you until they have explored all avenues with the other candidate that has a slight edge over you. Lack of communication between the Client/Recruiter/Hiring Mgr (in our case we do have some clients that could go 1-2 weeks with no communication), the role might have fallen through, they could have put it on hold or simply changed the whole job spec around. More likely it’s a reflection of the pressure many Recruiters/Hiring Managers are under. Oversights happen all the time, we’re only human it is hard not to take it personally, but you need to manage your expectations and don’t be afraid to follow up yourself too.
Does the Digital Age have anything to do with it?
A few decades ago, you would be waiting by the phone or checking the mailbox to find out the outcome of a job application. It could take weeks or months, nowadays (it can still take weeks and months but often it is usually weeks), usually though if you’re out of the running or rejected you could have an answer instantly. The digitalisation of recruitment and increased use of applicant tracking software has transformed the way organisations screen and hire candidates. While it has facilitated time and cost savings, we do in my opinion run the risk of forgetting the person participating in the process.
How does it affect the applicant – YOU?
It is always difficult to deal with rejection, add to that the fact that you have no idea why you’re being rejected as you rarely get much feedback along with lengthy delays, and it brings with it self-doubt. Aside from the damage it does to your confidence and the loss of trust in the whole process the impact of “Professional Ghosting” will spill over into the next role you apply for. Please try really hard not to let this happen as you only get one chance to make a great first impression and the next interview could be the one – hang in there!